Move, Breathe & Feel like Nature Intended

Personal Training

virtual or in person

Breathing and Posture Restoration

Click Here To Learn About Spirals and Waves




Joint/Muscle Pain?


High Blood Pressure?


Low Endurance?

Sleep Apnea?

We Can Help

What Is Spirals and Waves?

Spirals and Waves is a type of personal training that uses methods that are not generally considered conventional or main stream, but still very important and relevant. The point of this type of training is not to “get jacked” or lose weight or any typical reason a person would go to a conventional personal trainer. The methods and the training we do are meant to create a healthy, strong foundation for you to work off of, build off of and essentially correct the mechanics and subconscious patterns your body and mind hold that lead to breathing pattern disorders, poor posture, chronic pain and movement limitations. Another way of describing this type of work is “prehab”. Spirals and Waves is not meant to replace your regular training. Rather, it is meant to improve the quality of how you breathe, how you move and how your nervous system reacts to stress. The vast majority of people that get into fitness and start their health journey will eventually stop because of an injury, chronic pain, lack of progress, lack of willpower or simply just not knowing what type of training best suits their needs. Spirals and Waves is the training you do to understand what your true baseline is. Meaning, before you jump into running long distances, HIIT training, lifting heavy weights or other types of physical training, we address your breathing mechanics, we address the state of your nervous system, we address how to tension specific tissues to promote a healthy posture and move your body safely, strongly and efficiently, we address the tongue/jaw/bite (which heavily influence the entire body physically, breathing wise and nervous system wise) and we help you understand where your strengths and weakness are. This will give you a clear idea as to how you can proceed with your personal training and continue to progress in a healthy, safe manner without reinvigorating past injuries and exacerbating breathing dysfunction or nervous system dysfunction. We clean up the subconscious behaviours, the biochemical, the biomechanical and the physiological aspects of yourself that are essentially going to dictate how long you can train, how often you can train, how intense you can train and your potential for progression. Although this type of training is not as “flashy” as conventional personal training, it is absolutely crucial to building a strong foundation for your health that you can build on with minimal deterioration in the future. This type of training uses a combination of methods from Oxygen Advantage, MovMed, myofunctional therapy and more.

Who Is This For?

Spirals and Waves is a foundational training system that can be effective for virtually any age; youth, adolescent, adult or elderly. If you are a professional athlete, an aspiring athlete, have chronic pain, breathing issues or someone looking to make serious, long term improvements to your health, Spirals and Waves is for you. Spirals and Waves is a training system that isn’t meant to replace your athletic training or your regular workouts. It is meant to enhance, strengthen and improve everything you do by training the most fundamental aspects that influence how we move, breathe and feel. The all encompassing, in to out, head to toe approach at Spirals and Waves can be effective at treating a huge variety of injuries, types of chronic pain, physical ailments, diseases, mental health issues and breathing pattern disorders. Some of which include;

  • asthma

  • sleep apnea

  • insomnia

  • anxiety

  • brain fog

  • attention deficit

  • headaches

  • high blood pressure

  • low libido

  • erectile dysfunction

  • bad posture

  • persistent injuries

  • sore muscles

  • fatigue

  • back pain

  • sciatic pain

  • dental health

  • craniofacial dystrophy

  • lymph stagnation

  • joint pain

  • sinusitis

  • bronchitis

  • arthritis

  • impingements

  • fascial adhesions

Where To Start?

We recommend heading to the Learn More page, where you can learn about the fundamental principles that Spirals and Waves uses. If you aren’t sure if Spirals and Waves can help, or if you would like to inquire more and speak directly to Coach AJ you can book a free 20 minute consultation HERE (or visit the Book Sessions page). If you are ready to begin working with AJ 1 on 1, click HERE to book a 60 minute zoom training session (or visit the Book Sessions page). Spirals and Waves also offers long term, 6 month subscription based, in depth programs that offer regular assessments, customized regimens and monthly/bimonthly calls to evaluate progress. The 6 month commitment is highly recommended if you are serious about making real, long lasting progress and improvements to your health and well being. Sign up HERE (or visit the Training Offers page).

What Will You Learn?

Training with Spirals and Waves is an educational process as much as it is a physical training program. You will learn the root cause of bad posture, breathing disorders, a variety of mental health issues, chronic injuries, catastrophic injuries and how modern sedentary life, along with main stream training philosophies that create bad habits that leads to these problems. You will learn how to implement lifestyle changes to correct these bad habits over time and begin to live in a healthier life. You will learn the science behind breathing, what happens chemically and structurally with every breath, how to become aware of your breath and many gentle techniques to implement into daily life to begin to breathe with ease. You will learn what posture really is and what factors go into correcting it properly to have long lasting results. You will learn the importance of the tongue, jaws and bite and how they affect breathing, how breathing effects the nervous system, and how the nervous system affects everything. You will learn in to out, head to toe techniques to relieve pain and discomfort for good. Our goal here at Sprials and Waves is to not create clients that stick around forever. We want to give you the knowledge, the tools and the nuanced training so that you can continue to use these life changing methods on your own and live your life happily, pain free and free from modern health care.

How Can It Help?

Spirals and Waves is a unique training system because it works from the inside, out. We expose the root cause of the pain, stress and discomfort in the negative habits, behaviours and emotions that ultimately cause most people’s suffering. We believe that thoughts, emotions, breathing, pressure, organs and the nervous system directly influence the outer structure of how the skeleton and muscles orient themselves. Unlike other systems, we address the root cause of pain and discomfort in order to establish a healthy baseline to build off of. Spirals and Waves teaches how to cultivate a calm, stress free mind for the purpose of programing a healthy subconscious, behaviors and responses to stress. It’s a physical training system as well as a mental/nervous system training system. This sort of ‘alternative’ training style is widely missed. Most systems focus on what the muscles and skeleton are doing, disregarding the most important factors that lead to a healthy body and mind; how you breathe and how your brain is able to communicate with your nervous system.

Spirals and Waves is not a short term fix for anything. It is a deep process that makes real, profound, long lasting changes in mood, posture, mental health, physical health, cognitive function, breathing, aesthetics and movement. Our program is conscious training that requires time and work in order to live a full and healthy life. However, we also believe that life itself should be the training setting, not just an hour a day in the gym. We also teach people how to implement strategies to constantly improve themselves during the day, while they live their lives. Training Spirals and Waves principles is truly a life changing experience that will significantly improve how you move, breathe and feel. We hope this philosophy carries over to the next generation of children, changing the training culture to cultivate a healthier, happier, emotionally stable society.

“The primary and most beautiful of nature’s qualities is motion.’’