The 4 Principles of Spirals and Waves

  1. Breathing Mechanics & CO2 tolerance

  2. The Tongue & Jaws

  3. MovMed/Sensory

  4. Movement Mechanics/Patterns

Principle One :

Breathing Mechanics and CO2 Tolerance

Breathing is everything. Our life begins with our first breath and it ends with our last. Breathing is the most crucial autonomic function human beings do and it influences every single aspect of our health. Breathing has biochemical (Blood PH & co2 Tolerance), biomechanics (Diaphragm & Ribcage Movement), psychological (Cognitive & Emotion) and physiological (Posture & visceral) aspects. Having a deficit in only one of these areas can cause a trickle effect that exacerbates over time into bigger and more serious health issues.

Spirals and Waves uses Oxygen Advantage (OA) research and principles to leverage the latest science of how to optimize breathing, boost blood chemistry and maximize oxygen liberation into tissue cells. Oxygen Advantage is a system that educates people about the science behind breathing as well as directly treats virtually every breathing related ailment. OA addresses the biochemical, biomechanics and psychological aspects of breathing through nuanced, customized regimens created for every clients unique case. Along with OA, Spirals and Waves uses specific techniques from MovMed, a nervous system based training modality, that can help grow the size of the airway, wake up atrophied muscles used during breathing, correct breathing mechanics, strengthen the diaphragm, improve posture and increase parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system tone.

Principle Two :

The Tongue and Jaws

The tongue and jaws are a massively underrated training point that can make a huge, long term, difference how you aesthetically develop, breathe and recover as an athlete or a regular person. Along with the size of the jaws, how we bite is also very important. Spirals and Waves trains the bite to create a healthy balance of how we chew, strengthen the muscles of the jaw, grow the jaws forwards and outwards, create room for teeth, open the airway, strengthen the neck and improve posture.

The tongue is a very important muscle that has huge implications on many aspects of the body. The positioning of your tongue when it is resting, directly influences; whether or not you are biasing mouth/nasal breathing, the width/narrowness of your palate, whether or not your upper and lower jaws are growing or recessing, your level of sleep quality (sleep apnea), neck/head posture, the openness of the airway in your nasal cavities /neck, lymph (waste) drainage of the cranium, breathing mechanics, diaphragm health, vagus nerve stimulation, cranial nerve health and most of all the health of your nervous system. The stronger your tongue, the easier and more efficiently/effectively you’ll breathe and sleep. Correcting tongue posture is something anyone can do to have almost immediate positive effects on their health. Spirals and Waves believes that strengthening the tongue is a day 1 priority, that connects and influences every other piece of training we do. Aside from the health benefits, it has aesthetic implications as well.

It’s a common saying that health is beauty and beauty is health. When it comes to jaw size and facial structure, this is especially true. A huge percentage of the population has underdeveloped tongues, jaws, facial structure and skulls in general. Our ancestors that lived only under a thousand years ago had jaws, palates and skulls that were nearly 50% larger. Our modern sedentary lifestyles of eating soft, processed food has negatively impacted how our skulls develop. Somebody who has weak, low tongue posture will have a facial structure more like the person on the left in the image below. It is very likely that this person will have trouble with breathing mechanics, crooked teeth, trouble sleeping, blood/lymph stagnation, balancing their nervous system, controlling stress and will likely have a low CO2 tolerance. The person on the right definitely has a stronger tongue/tongue posture, a large airway, and their skin and bodily tissues in general are more saturated with oxygen. They likely have straight teeth, probably have more access to their diaphragm and are probably more athletic and healthy. Society sees this person as aesthetically more attractive than the person on the left.

Principle three :


MovMed is applied neurology. It is a system that trains the connection between the mind and the body. It is unique because it has a 3 dimensional approach that balances the nervous system, cultivates strength and endurance, improves breathing mechanics and addresses the connection between how our organs and internal environment affect how the brain receives inputs from its environment. Simply said, MovMed wakes up the brain to body sensory pathways that have been numbed by emotional trauma, physical trauma and other factors. The main part of the body that MovMed focuses on is the midline. The midline is the fascial and tissue connection from the mouth to the butt as well as every organ/tissue in between. This midline connection is crucial to feeling our feelings fully, having interoceptive awareness, having proper breathing mechanics, having healthy posture and moving efficiently. It is massively beneficial and an untapped area of the body that can produce profound healing.

Our nervous system is essentially our brain, eyes and spinal cord. The relationship between these 3 hugely dictates the state and health of our nervous system. Our nervous system controls organ function, emotional response, thought patterns, sensory perception, posture, movement behaviours and every single unconscious process that keeps us alive. Needless to say, the health of our nervous system is extremely important.

Principle Four :

Movement Mechanics/Patterns

Movement is the essence of life. It’s the culmination of everything we are physically and neurologically. The reason why Spirals and Waves prioritizes breathing, the tongue/jaw/bite and the nervous system over movement is because without a healthy baseline of these principles, movement will happen in a compensated manner. The internal environment of our organs and nervous system directly controls how our musculoskeletal structure orients itself. Once we can stop trying to intellectualize and conceptualize what needs to be contextualized, meaning we need to learn how to listen to our kinesthetic language of feeling in order to truly start trusting our bodies to move subconsciously/reflexively. We can do this by training innate patterns of movement through neurodevelopmental sequencing, essentially re-learning how to move from the earliest stages of being a baby and work our way up through the stages. This will re-program these innate patterns with a parasympathetic dominant nervous system that absorbs inputs efficiently and creates subconscious, reflexive movement behaviour.

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